IPO market is buzzing this year. However, the question is how they have performed this whole year. So we will stick to the main board listing and there are few interesting insights. This whole year total 10 IPOs have come in the market. However, in first six months of the year there were five IPOs and then just in one month there were five IPOs. The major reason for this can be attributed to the senitment in the market. Market sentiment has become bullish in recent times, FIIs are pouring in money as compared to the world Indian economy appear in relatively better positions. So all this has boosted both secondary as well as primary market.
Here we have segregated the IPOs that were listed in past six months and IPOs that were listed this month.
Source: NSE, Chittorgarh.com, Money9 Research
All the IPOs that were listed this month has performed very well. They have given on an average 49.6% listing gains. However even after listing their performance on an average has been positive. Since listing these IPOs on an average has given 5.7% return. However, on comparing issue price with current market price. These 5 IPOs have given on an average 58.52%.
Source: NSE, Chittorgarh.com, Money9 Research
Lets look at other the five IPOs that came in past six months. These IPOs gave on an average 14.53% return on listing. Since listing they have given on an average 28.16% return. While comparing them with issue price and current market price. These IPOs gave a massive 45.29% return.
So we can see that IPOs that have come up this month have given better returns. However even the IPOs that have come previously have also performed quite well.
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