Experts advise taking exposure to large-cap companies by way of flexi-cap or index funds, and not simply via large-cap funds.
One of the biggest drawbacks of having just a group insurance plan is the seriously limited choice of the doctors and specialist network you can avail services from. Any professionals out of this list might not be covered by the policy.
Arbitrage mutual funds make the best of the volatility in two different markets, which gives birth to the price difference of the same security in both markets. This is why they are generally considered low risk.
According to the FACE-Equifax Fintech lending trends report, fintech players had disbursed digital loans amounting to Rs 92,267 crores in FY23. Even the number of loans given during FY23 rose to 71 million, a 49% YoY rise from 47.7 million loans doled out in FY22.
Leading the direct to consumer (D2C) bandwagon are full time working millennials (about 70%). About 85% of them also noted that they are going to increase their spendings in as many as 11 product categories for the remaining year.
The way to power no longer lies on the properties of the urban, upper-class, pedigreed elite. It belongs just as much to the middle-class, small-town Indian that is making its way to the top.
The new tax regime does away with many popular deductions like premium paid for health insurance, contributions to PPF, house rent allowance and more
Investing in liquid funds is beneficial when the interest rates are on a rise, like till recently. However, these funds are not affected by any long-term changes in interest rates. Redemption in these funds is processed instantly, or just a day, in most cases.
Previously, the IT Act exempted the amount received by way of bonuses under a life insurance policy. Now, following these regulations, no life insurance policy whose annual premium payable exceeds Rs 5 lakhs and which has been issued after 1st April, 2023, will not be allowed to benefit from this exemption.
Most states are expected to take the Ordinance way to modify local GST laws, that will allow them to begin taxing casinos, horse racing and online gaming cos