SEBI has said in its new guidelines that companies can now issue bonds and non-convertible debentures (NCDs) with a face value of ₹10,000.
Various types of cyber scams are taking place in India. One of them that has emerged in the recent past, is the extortion scam. Cyber criminals are targeting people through dating sites, social media and gaming apps. You may receive a call or message stating that they have your private photos and if you don't want them to go viral, transfer money immediately.
Investing in gold is considered the safest option, and there is no doubt that compared to the shine of gold returns, all other investments seem dull. In the past 10 years, gold has provided an average annual return of more than 16 percent. However, now the question arises: how should one invest in gold?
Passive income is income that doesn't require much effort to earn and manage. Let's find out potential sources of passive income.
As per reports, the government is considering increasing the tax exemption limit to Rs 25,000.
How can fraud occur through credit cards and what measures you can take to protect yourself from such fraud. FInd out.
What is the importance of cooperative banks? When does RBI cancel the license of a cooperative bank? How will depositors get their money if a bank closes down? Let's understand.
If you are an Airtel customer, this news might surprise you. As per media reports, there has been data leak of more than 370 million Airtel customers. Post which, Bharti Airtel has issued a statement clarifying the situation. The company has denied any data breach allegations.
Some people wait for a correction in the market before investing. So should one wait for a downturn in equity mutual funds for investment? Let's understand.
For accumulating a large sum like one crore, investing through SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) in equity mutual funds is a better route.