Indigo results Q4 2024: No frills airline, Indigo’s Q4 FY24 PAT has jumped more than two-fold to Rs 1,894.8 crore from Rs 919.2 crore in the year-ago period. The total income jumped to Rs 18,505.1 crore in Q4 FY24 from Rs 14,600.1 crore in Q4 FY23. “FY24 has been a year of many remarkable achievements and milestones. For the full financial year 2024, we reported our highest ever total income of around Rs 71,200 crore with a net profit of around Rs 8,200 crore and a net profit margin of 11.9 per cent. The 4th quarter financial results were positive, making it all four quarters in FY24 profitable,” IndiGo CEO Pieter Elbers said. He also said the strong execution of the company’s strategy has yielded consistent results.
At the end of March 2024, the airline had a fleet of 367 planes. The budget carrier’s fleet mostly consists of narrow bodied aircraft. On some international routes, the Gurugram based airline has deployed wide-bodied planes on lease from Turkish Airlines.
But the airline is set to lose its no-frills tag as it plans to launch business class service in its flights on the eve of the corporate’s 18th anniversary later this year in August. But this experience will be available only on the busiest routes.
“In a groundbreaking move to redefine business travel in India, IndiGo, India’s most preferred airline, announces the plan to launch a tailor-made business product for India’s busiest and business routes,” the airline said in a release.
IndiGo CEO Pieter Elbers said it is constantly looking at innovating service offerings. “We believe, as India gears up to become the third largest economy in the world, it’s our privilege to provide the New India even more options to choose from as they travel business. We are excited with this new phase and tailor-made product in IndiGo’s evolution and strategy and aim to further give wings to the nation, by connecting people and aspirations,” he said.
After March quarter 2024 results, the scrip of InterGlobe Aviation, the parent company of Indigo, flew of the counter and closed one per cent in green at Rs 4,400 on the BSE.
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