With a view to encourage people to get vaccinated, the central and state governments are offering various incentives. The union government has launched a draw system for those who are registering online for COVID-19 vaccination drive. Select online entries will get a Rs 5,000 reward.
North Delhi Municipal Corporation on the other hand is offering exemption in property tax, while people in Gujarat, people are being offered free gold.
The latest move comes after the number of people who turned up at the Covid-19 vaccination centres were lower than expected, suggesting that people are still hesitating from taking the jabs.
How to apply To participate in the contest launched by the centre, you need to click a picture of yourself or family members at the vaccination centre while taking the jab and upload it on the government’s portal – Mygov.in – with a caption. Winning entries will get Rs 5,000 cash prize. Every month 10 entries will be selected through this contest.
NDMC offer North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) has announced that if all the eligible members of a house get vaccinated, then the civic body will give an additional 5% rebate on the property tax on that house. This rebate in property tax will be in addition to all other rebates.
Mayor of North Delhi Municipal Corporation Jayaprakash has said that he has given instructions to make a detailed policy in this regard and it will be approved soon. NDMC is currently offering 15% tax rebate on filing the property tax return before June. In such a situation, now the families who get vaccinated will get a total 20% rebate in property tax.
Free gold in Gujarat The goldsmith community in Rajkot, Gujarat, is giving free gold nose pins to the women who get vaccinated and a hand blender to men. However, this benefit is being given only to the people of their own community.
Instead of getting lured by gifts, people must come forward voluntarily to get vaccinated for a bigger cause and not just freebies.
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