Over 20.66 lakh tests for detection of Covid-19 were conducted in a span of 24 hours in the country, the highest-ever done in a single day, the Union health ministry said on May 22.
In a statement, the ministry said it is also the fourth successive day that the number of tests has been more than 20 lakh.
“With more than 20.66 lakh tests conducted in the last 24 hours, India has again set a new record of highest tests conducted in a day,” it said.
Over 19.33 crore vaccine doses have been administered in the country under the inoculation drive against Covid-19, the statement said.
It said 19,33,72,819 vaccine doses have been administered through 27,76,936 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am on May 21. These include 97,38,148 healthcare workers (HCWs) who have taken their first dose and 66,91,350 HCWs who have taken their second dose.
The ministry said that 1,48,70,081 frontline workers (FLWs) have taken their first dose and 83,06,020 FLWs their second dose; and 92,97,532 beneficiaries in the 18-44 age group have taken their first dose.
It said in the 45-60 years age group 6,02,11,957 have got their first dose and 96,84,295 their second dose, while in the over 60 years category, 5,63,83,760 have received their first dose and 1,81,89,676 their second dose.
India’s active cases decreased to 29,23,400 yesterday, a net decline of 1,04,525 in the last 24 hours, the ministry said.
The daily recoveries continue to outnumber the daily new cases for the ninth consecutive day, it said. The ministry said that about 3,57,630 recoveries were registered in the last 24 hours and India’s cumulative recoveries reached 2,30,70,365 on May 21.
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