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With a view to fix the asset-liability mismatch, the Reserve Bank of India introduced non-callable deposits in 2015
Fixed Deposit Investment tips: FDs carry lower returns than equities or mutual funds but provide safety of capital
According to data put out in the 2021 annual report of the Reserve Bank of India, 98.1% of the total number of 252.6 crore accounts remain covered against the international benchmark of 80 per cent
FDs by NBFCs offer higher interest rates than banks or post offices
FD tenure can range from short-term to long-term depending upon the investment goal.
Senior citizens can time and align their FDs with the varying tenures offered by the bank and encash them accordingly.
The ferocity of the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic has scared people, forcing them to withdraw larger amounts from the ATMs with a view to avoid frequent visits
An individual can open a recurring deposit with only Rs 100 and get a fixed assured return
Cash in circulation as a share of the GDP had gone down to 8.26% in 2016-17 as a result of the demonetisation before it began rising again
The interest earned on a FD is fully taxable. It is considered a part of total income and taxed as per the applicable tax slabs