On Monday, the ministry of agriculture said that the country’s foodgrain production is likely to touch a new record of over 150 million tonnes in the kharif season of the FY22 crop year (July-June) due to good rains. Paddy which is a kharif or a summer crop is sowed at the onset of the southwest monsoon from June, which will get over by end of this month. In most parts of the country, harvesting will commence from October.
Around September 15, the first estimate of the country’s overall kharif foodgrain production will be released, it added.
Agriculture secretary Sanjay Agarwal said kharif foodgrain production has been pegged higher despite the area sown being lower by 10 lakh hectares compared to the year-ago period. The ministry is expecting the gap in the coverage to reduce by the end of September.
As the ministry is expecting the gap in coverage to reduce by September end, kharif foodgrain production has been projected higher, despite area sown by summer crops remaining lower by 10 lakh hectares in comparison with the year ago period, the secretary said.
According to the secretary, there has been a sharp incline in the coverage of paddy and pulses, while a major drop in area under crops such as coarse cereals, cotton and groundnut.
Agarwal also said that the states have been asked to take necessary steps for procurement of kharif crops as in some states arrival of crops has begun.
Till September 10 this year, the total area sown to kharif crops touched 1,096.70 lakh hectares as against 1,106.57 lakh hectares in the year-ago period.
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