The Union government will transfer the next installment of Rs 19,000 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) today. The cash transfer scheme is likely to benefit about 90 million farmers.
According to the Prime Minister’s Office’s official release, this will enable the transfer of an amount of more than Rs 19,500 crores to more than 9.75 crores beneficiary farmer families. Prime Minister will interact with farmer-beneficiaries during the event and will also address the nation,” read the PMO release.
The PM Kisan Sammann Nidhi scheme provides annual income support of Rs 6,000 to every land-owning farmer. The money is paid in three equal cash transfers of Rs 2,000, once every four months.
The last installment was released in May this year. The government had disbursed a little more than Rs 19,000 crore to 90 million beneficiaries under the scheme. So far, the government has paid nearly Rs 1.15 lakh crore under the scheme, according to the report.
Any farmer can enroll for PM-Kisan by applying at local revenue offices or a state’s nodal officer for the scheme, who is nominated by the state government. Farmers can also register themselves through the PM-Kisan portal and common service centres.
States have to upload data to a centralised public finance management system, a platform that auto verifies bank accounts and checks biometric Aadhaar details of beneficiaries sent by states. These are then sent back to states for physical signatures.
Go to the official website of the government –
Click on the ‘Farmer’s Corner Section’ on the homepage
Select the ‘Beneficiary Status’ option. The beneficiary will be able to check his or her application status. It will have details like names and amounts transferred to the bank account.
Enter ‘Aadhar Number’ or ‘Account Number’ or ‘Mobile Number’ to get the details.
Click on the ‘Get data’
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