Recovery from a pandemic like Covid-19 is going to be a long-drawn process. However, the good news is that pace of vaccination has picked up and slowly. Life is getting back to normal but the third wave fear is lurking. States should now be better prepared with adequate medical infrastructure. The big lesson is that lockdown is not the solution for every Covid problem. With offices gradually reopening and macro numbers indicating that the economic recovery is also taking shape slowly, it is essential to ensure progress is not stymied by mismanagement and chaos as witnessed during the second wave. India cannot afford a repeat of second wave scenario.
A study by researchers at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Public Health has warned against laxity in precautions and heightened risks of third wave among children, particularly in Karnataka. Lessons learnt from the second wave should help the authorities in drawing a roadmap to tackle any further spurt in cases and arrange proper medication and care for affected citizens. The focus should be on preparing for the third wave and continue with the momentum in the economy.
Many citizens are still struggling to deal with the job losses and pay cuts that the pandemic triggered and many have been consigned to poverty due to shutting down of debt-laden small enterprises. It may be an arduous task but the journey to recovery should not be strewn with roadblocks created by failures of government agencies.
Vaccine management is also of great importance. All economists and agencies are unanimous in the view that the pace of economic growth will largely hinge on the pace of vaccinations. The government should step on the gas and should not allow any fall in the numbers. It might control the third wave and also shield the economy from its impact.
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