Don't become the 'Butchered Pig'

Luring into their scams through a tactic known as "pig butchering", here is how it is the new scam for the new digitally available public

In the digital age, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, accessibility also extends to cybercriminals. With just a click, individuals can access vast amounts of information, conduct transactions, and communicate globally. This accessibility also presents opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities in digital systems and networks. While the benefits of technological advancements are vast, it’s essential to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding against cyber threats to protect personal privacy, financial assets, and critical infrastructure.

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the accessibility provided by the digital era, and one of their strategies involves using social media platforms to lure individuals into their scams. This tactic is often referred to as ‘pig butchering.’

Much like how a goat might be fed and nurtured before being slaughtered, cyberthugs employ enticing offers and promises of significant returns to attract their victims. They might present seemingly lucrative investment opportunities, promises of easy money, or exclusive deals that appear too good to be true. Once the victim is sufficiently hooked, they manipulate them into taking actions that ultimately lead to financial loss or exploitation. Social media platforms provide cybercriminals with a vast pool of potential victims, allowing them to cast a wide net and target individuals from diverse backgrounds and demographics.

To protect oneself from falling victim to such scams, it’s crucial to exercise caution and skepticism when encountering unsolicited offers or investment opportunities on social media. Conducting thorough research, verifying the credibility of individuals or companies, and refraining from sharing sensitive information or making impulsive financial decisions are essential practices in mitigating the risk of being ‘pig butchered’ by cybercriminals.”

Here are some tactics used in the pig butchering scam that you need to be aware of to avoid falling prey:

  1. 1. You might be added to a Telegram group where all communication happens, giving the impression of a legitimate platform.
  2. They offer free training or education, sending PDFs or online booklets, claiming to teach you trading secrets.
  3. You’re asked to download an app and transfer money directly to a bank account instead of investing in shares directly. The amount will even appear in your name on the app.
  4. They claim to trade in the primary market and not the regular market, asking you to transfer money to a bank account instead of investing directly.
  5. You’re lured with extravagant returns, making you believe you could get rich quickly.

The scam starts with dazzling returns, and once you’re hooked, you’ll be persuaded to invest more. However, as soon as your investment reaches thousands or lakhs, your connection will be cut, and your money will disappear.

Now that you know the tactics of this scam, it’s essential to learn how to avoid it:

  1.  There’s no shortcut to becoming rich; stay away from schemes promising overnight wealth.
  2. Be cautious when contacted through social media. Check reviews on the app store before downloading any app.
  3. Check the SEBI website for a list of registered brokers.
  4. Don’t make any financial decisions based solely on the lure of high returns.
  5. Research thoroughly before investing in anything.
Published: May 21, 2024, 17:20 IST
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