As many as fifteen retired IPS officers including 10 former DGPs of States, have written a letter to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Kashmir. In the letter, they said that in the past seven years, they have noticed the Central Government’s painstaking, courageous and decisive efforts at attempting to resolve the complex Kashmir issue. They said that it is a matter of national pride that over these years, the Central Government tried all means possible to achieve this goal.
The momentous decision to annul Article 35A and read-down Article 370, was efficiently implemented, with all necessary precautions to prevent the loss of life and property. They said that the complete integration of Kashmir with the Union of India was a long-pending unfinished task since India adopted the Constitution of India in 1950.
Now, a citizen of Kashmir can proudly call himself or herself Indian and receive all benefits that the Indian State bestows on its citizens. They said that it is a matter of great satisfaction, that the Government’s ability to foresee future events and to plan for all kinds of possibilities, led to tight control over crime, terrorism and public order since 5th August, 2019.
They said, the Central Government’s most recent initiative at reaching out to political stakeholders and countering the twin elements of “Dil ki doori” and “Dilli ki doori”, in order to enhance trust, is exemplary, reflecting a dynamic approach to policy-making. They said they are hopeful that the Prime Minister will fulfil his promise of bringing economic development to Jammu and Kashmir with all the robust investment plans that have been finalised.
Retired IPS officers SP Vaid, AK Singh, Vivek Dube, Geeta Johri, PP Pandey and KB Singh are among those who have signed the letter.
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