Indian Railways on Monday cancelled four special trains, operating between Hazrat Nizamuddin, Ernakulam, Trivandrum, Rishikesh, and Kochuveli. Here’s the complete list of special trains that have been cancelled.
IRCTC has canceled 02618 Hazrat Nizamuddin- Ernakulam Special, 02432 Hazrat Nizamuddin-Trivandrum Rajdhani Special, 06084 Hazrat Nizamuddin-Trivandrum and 06098 Yoga Nagri Rishikesh-Kochuveli special trains.
Hazrat Nizamuddin- Ernakulam Special, 06084 Hazrat Nizamuddin-Trivandrum and 06098 Yoga Nagri Rishikesh-Kochuveli Special have been canceled on July 26. At the same time, 06084 Hazrat Nizamuddin-Trivandrum will remain canceled on 26 July special.
Northern Railway has replaced the conventional ICF coaches of Dehradun-Indore/Ujjain Express with modern and upgraded LHB (Linke Hofmann Busch) coaches. The installation of this modern technology coach in trains will increase the current speed of trains. It will also reduce the possibility of accidents. The seats in modern coaches are extremely comfortable.
With the increase in the number of seats in these coaches, the RO drinking water facility has been provided in general coaches. These state-of-the-art rakes have been installed in 14309/10/17/18 Dehradun-Indore/Ujjain Express.
With the installation of these modernised coached the trains the time of journey and the inconvenience caused to passengers will significantly reduce.
The 806 AC three-tier coaches at affordable rates will start operating at the end of this financial year. The fare of tickets in these coaches will be between the existing fare of the non-AC sleeper class and AC three-tier. The economy AC-3 tier coach has a reading lamp, AC vents, USB point, mobile charging point, a better ladder to climb to the upper berth, and a special snack table. Along with this, foot operating tabs have been installed in the toilet.
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