The study noted that “In countries facing acute vaccine shortages, administrators could consider early full vaccine coverage, prioritising those never infected, before the onset of another SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. Relying on the protective effect of a single dose alone may not be prudent”.
Despite repeated pleas by government and healthcare professionals, many citizens still do not think wearing masks is necessary. However, on a positive note, the report also noted that those fully vaccinated had higher levels of protection against the virus.
Inoculation is the only way to emerge out of this dark phase. The country lost a lot of time due to the debilitating impact of the second wave and to ensure the third wave doesn’t cause another boutique of severe distress, the government must ensure the vaccination drive gains more steam.
The government must quickly revisit this 84-day gap and ensure a speedier inoculation programme to prevent any further spread. It should also look at addressing production gaps in vaccine manufacturing facilities and ensure the logistical issues also don’t pose a problem considering.
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