Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said India enjoys an investment-grade rating and she does not see a rating downgrade because of higher spending
The steps announced by the national transporter include the use of CCTV cameras in kitchens, QR codes on food packets, including the date and time of packaging
Government working on upgrading communication lines in 6,5 lakh villages
For the common man hit by falling income, hardships continue and going forward, crude oil prices might be a spoiler
In the past one year, the retail price of petrol has shot up by 31% in Delhi and almost 30% in Mumbai
The Indian e-commerce market has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the pandemic, as containment measures introduced millions to the convenience of online shopping
While the price of premium petrol has ruled in these cities above the psychological mark, the price of normal petrol was only a few paise below the mark
The unemployment rate was recorded at 6.9% in February 2021 which is slightly better than 7.8% in the same month last year and 8.8% in March 2020, during which lockdown was imposed
Rates have been reduced across the country and vary from state to state depending on the local incidence of taxation (VAT)
Over the past few weeks, several companies delayed interviews and search mandates were put on hold to review the economic situation amid the sudden spike in Covid-19 cases