The power of benchmarks is immense. Throughout the history of human civilisation, the role of benchmarks has only increased as competition has increased both in our collective and personal lives in setting goals and achieving excellence. One benchmark that has come to dominate the nation’s life is the daily number of Covid vaccinations. On September 17 the country inoculated 2.26 crore individuals, a record by a long margin. In fact, the number of daily production of the vaccines is nowhere close to this number and, therefore, it will remain an administrator’s dream to emulate this feat, forget bettering it.
However, the record meticulously planned to coincide with the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi can achieve a valueable purpose than mere optics. The number can serve as a reminder that the country should achieve a number that is about half the birthday gift and under no circumstances can it be allowed to fall below the psychological 1 crore mark. Given the country manufactures about 1.2 crore vaccines every day, there is no reason why a score well over 1 crore cannot be maintained as a routine.
The vaccines are needed not only to stave off a highly possible third wave of the virus but also to immunise the economy from the pandemic. The two waves of the pandemic have crippled an economy that was markedly slowing down and in order to restore it on the tracks of growth, vaccine is one of the medicines needed in ample doses.
Apart from the vaccines being produced in the country right now, a few are being imported and productions of a few are also in the pipeline. As and when the production and imports increase, the target would be to better the September 17 record. As long as that does not happen, the people should be wearing masks in public and the law enforces must not relax the vigil. We have paid a lot and should not allow the scar to run deeper and linger longer.
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