On auspicious occasion of Akshay Tritya 2024, customers can get discount and cashback offers on purchase of jewelry of various brands like Tanishq, Caratlane, Malabar Jewellers, Lalchnd, etc. Some brands have offered discounts on jewelry items , while, other brands, have given discount on making charges. But most of these offers are only available till May 12, 2024. Plus, most brands have offered discounts on diamond and not on gold but customers can get haircut on making charges of gold jewellery.
For example, one can get 35 per cent discount if they buy diamond from PC Jewellers. While, others can get 25 per cent discount on diamond from ORRA and also 50 per cent haircut on making charges. Moreover, the jewellery brand has also given customers the option of availing no cost EMIs on purchases made.
Five per cent cashback with SBI credit card holders:
The largest public lender of the country, the State Bank of India, has also extended cashback offers on gold purchase with various jewellery brands like Caratlane, Lalchnd, Senco Gold, etc. SBI credit card holders can get five per cent cashback subject to maximum of Rs 2,500 on minimum purchase of gold jewellery worth Rs 30,000 from Lalchnd. This offer too is only available till May 12.
20 per cent haircut on making charges with Tanishq:
Customers can get 20 per cent discount on making charges if they buy jewellery from Tanishq.
20 per cent discount on diamond from Kalyan Jewellers:
Kalyan Jewellers has offered 20 per cent discount on diamond. Plus, select bank debit and credit card holders get five per cent discount as well. While, customers can get 25 per cent discount on making charges if they buy gold and diamond jewellery both from Kalyan Jewellers and Malabar Gold. These offers too are available till Sunday.
25 per cent rebate on making charges in Mellora:
Mellora has also offered 25 per cent rebate on making charges on purchase of gem and diamond jewelleries. This offer is only valid on May 10, 2024.
25 per cent discount in Caratlane:
Customers can get 25 per cent discount if they buy diamond from Caratlane. SBI credit card holders get five per cent discount here also.
Discounts and cashbacks are not only available at jewellery shops but also on digital gold. For example, customers can get up to Rs 2,000 discount on digital gold if they buy on fintech player, PhonePe.
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