Travel insurance is an absolute must when you plan a trip abroad. However, certain things must be kept in mind while purchasing such policies.
The duration of travel determines the cost of your travel insurance policy. A short trip would cost you less than an extended overseas trip.
During these unprecedent times, the feature would enable passengers to find last-minute alternate travel options in case of unconfirmed train tickets.
If you plan to indulge in high-risk adventure sports, make sure you inform the insurer. Some insurers may not offer coverage for such activities planned in your trip abroad.
If you opt for location-specific travel insurance, remember such policies are absolute and offer its services for such pre-determined locations only.
If you have a location-specific insurance, no coverage will be provided, whatsoever, for side-trips or extra places you end up visiting.
It’s critical to understand the health coverage offered under your travel insurance policy. Never assume anything in advance.
The report quoted industry veterans as saying that the situation is dynamic and companies are seeking more clarity, industry insiders said.
Therefore, read and re-read the policy document, inclusions, exclusions, fine print and various terms and conditions before buying any travel policy.