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Most investors do not know how to analyse markets or schemes and tend to go in for anything trending and where they see others investing
The rise in retail inflation poses a big challenge to the central bank. The debate on interest, growth and inflation will continue
Instead of planning tax savings investments towards the end, you should do this on time to optimize your investment returns and manage liquidity
Some of these funds are specially designed for senior citizens to meet their post-retirement financial needs
Debt, equity, gold and retirement planning should be the major guiding factors of investment planning
LIC's Aadhaar Shila is a life insurance plan which is exclusively designed for females
FPI flows may remain strong in the medium term as India is at the cusp of the growth revival path.
Salonee Sanghvi explains how retail investors can use non-conventional quantitative investing strategies to select and trade stocks
Smallcases can be market cap-agnostic and may not have size constraints, says Capitalmind CEO Deepak Shenoy
There is no right time for a mutual fund investor to exit the investment but there has to be a reason to redeem it