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Don’t get swayed by recent events. Stay invested in equity or debt as per your own pre-decided asset allocation and don’t change it because of market movement.
The Rule of 72 gives an accurate estimation of the doubling time for investment specifically with lower interest rates rather than higher ones
Increasing your income side may be the solution for many issues, but doing so along with managing your expenditure might do wonders for your future.
These accounts give you high return as well as various tax benefits and should not be allowed to lapse
Asset rebalancing lets us get closer to the stated asset allocation we started with. When the asset prices move, they distort our asset allocation
The returns can be an eye-opener even by conservative estimates
One should believe in India’s growth story and keep on investing even in the difficult times. Today’s investment has chances to reap higher returns tomorrow.
With everyone looking to plan their finances and accumulate wealth which will help them in leading a comfortable life, here are some tips which you can use to add to your knowledge
Lord Rama was known for his patience and systematic planning. These attributes when put into money management can do wonders
Stop all your other investments temporarily and start contributing towards building this corpus. Park the corpus in funds that are liquid even if you have to compromise on returns, say experts