Leading stock exchange BSE has acted as a catalyst for investments and helped in the creation of $3 trillion wealth since it was set up in 1875, its chief Ashishkumar Chauhan said on Friday. Over the years, the exchange has been able to create trust among the investors’ community that will help India to achieve double-digit annual growth in the time to come, he added.
BSE, formerly Bombay Stock Exchange, is the world’s fastest stock exchange with a speed of 6 microseconds. It provides an efficient and transparent market for trading in equity, debt instruments, equity derivatives, currency derivatives, commodity derivatives, interest rate derivatives, mutual funds, and stock lending and borrowing.
“BSE has acted as a catalyst for investments and wealth creation for entire India over 147 years since it was set up,” Chauhan said on the occasion of the exchange’s 147th Foundation Day. He, further, said that the success of BSE’s efforts can be seen in more than 7.2 crore investor accounts, more than 4,700 listed companies, and over USD 3 trillion of equities markets capitalisation.
“BSE has been able to create the trust and comfort over the time spanning 19th, 20th and 21st century amongst the investor community that will help India achieve double-digit annual growth in the time to come,” Chauhan, who is the MD and CEO of BSE, said.
Asia’s oldest bourse is a corporatised and demutualised entity, with a broad shareholder base that includes the leading global exchange – Deutsche Bourse, as a strategic partner. Further, the exchange in October 2018 launched commodity derivatives trading in gold, silver, copper, crude oil, guar gum, guar seeds and turmeric. The exchange provides a host of other services to capital market participants including risk management, clearing, settlement, market data services, and education.
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