Retail investors’ interest in the securities market has sharply increased to an average of 2.45 million demat accounts opened per month during April-June, Sebi chief Ajay Tyagi said on Thursday. The Sebi chief said that the prevailing low-interest rates and ample liquidity availability are the major factors for the increased investors’ interest in the securities market in India.
He warned that tightening of liquidity or an increase in interest rates would impact the market.
“However, it also needs to be acknowledged that by their very nature, the markets are forward-looking and the present investments take into account the future growth prospects,” the Tyagi said.
The cumulative number of total demat accounts increased from 41 million at the beginning of FY21 to 55 million by the end of FY21, an increase of 34.7%.
“The trend gets further accentuated during the current financial year — on an average 2.45 million demat accounts have been opened per month during April-June 2021,” he added.
According to Tyagi, the larger share of trades originating from mobile devices and internet-based trading in the total turnover is another indicator of increased retail participation.
A total of Rs 10.12 lakh crore was raised from the capital markets in 2020-21, surpassing the previous fiscal’s figure of Rs 9.96 lakh crore.
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