Markets recovered from their early volatile session and picked up the pace with benchmarks Sensex and Nifty 50 recording a fresh lifetime high of 55680 and 16,585. Metal and Oil & Gas stocks lifted the benchmarks amid major June 2021 quarterly earnings. Likhita Chepa of CapitalVia spoke to Money9 on whether there is further upside in markets.
“Sectoral rotation is clearly taking place. Today it is the energy and FMCG index pushing markets higher”, she said.
On the investors’ strategy at record high markets she believes there is no immediate worry about a deep correction, for long term investors she believes one can stay invested but the ones with a short term should look at booking profits.
“Investors should now pick stocks which are fairly valued and not over-valued”, she added.
Lemon Tree Hotels | Buy | Target: 46 | Duration: 10 months
Tata Steel | Buy | Target: 1680 | Duration: 12 months
Markets recovered from their early volatile session and picked up the pace with benchmarks Sensex and Nifty 50 recording a fresh lifetime high of 55680 and 16,585. Metal and Oil & Gas stocks lifted the benchmarks amid major June 2021 quarterly earnings. Likhita Chepa of CapitalVia spoke to Money9 on whether there is further upside in markets.
“Sectoral rotation is clearly taking place. Today it is the energy and FMCG index pushing markets higher”, she said.
On the investors’ strategy at record high markets she believes there is no immediate worry about a deep correction, for long term investors she believes one can stay invested but the ones with a short term should look at booking profits.
“Investors should now pick stocks which are fairly valued and not over-valued”, she added.
Lemon Tree Hotels | Buy | Target: 46 | Duration: 10 months
Tata Steel | Buy | Target: 1680 | Duration: 12 months
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