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Large cap funds aim for portfolio stability. Mid cap funds provide potential for high growth. Investors stand a chance to reap benefits of both these features in large and mid-cap funds.
Due to rising inflation, it may be difficult for senior citizens to survive only on pension income. There are some measures through which you can arrange regular income. What are these options?
Your hospital bills can be taken care of by your health insurance policy. In case of death, a lump sum will be paid to your chosen nominee by your life insurer.
An investor has the choice to invest either through online or offline mode in Index Funds.
Why is it important to invest in mutual funds? When and how do investors make losses? What is the right way to earn from mutual funds? When you would be able to start with just Rs 250 SIP? Get answer to all these questions in a special interview of Deputy MD & Joint CEO of SBI Mutual Fund, D.P. Singh by Money9 Editor, Anshuman Tiwari!
It is preferable to choose a suitable mutual fund scheme that aligns with one’s financial goals, risk appetite and investment horizon.
What's the reason behind Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) growing craze among investors? How are ETFs more diversified than mutual funds? What cost advantages investors get in ETFs?
In the last five years, SIP AUM's annual growth rate has been double of that of the AUM of the entire mutual fund industry in India.
A to Z of insurance sorted for you, so that you can easily understand the basics of insurance, without losing a lot of your valuable hair and time.
Index funds have lower costs because these don’t involve actively picking of stocks. The fund manager’s job is simply to copy the benchmark’s composition and performance.