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Know where your money will be invested in Overnight Mutual Fund scheme
Let’s take a look at how a covered call strategy works.
Conservative hybrid funds are mutual funds that invest primarily in debt (anywhere from 75% to 90% of the assets), with the remaining portion (25% to 10%) in equities.
Fixed deposits are the favoured saving instrument of common citizens, but they are not well aware of liquid mutual funds which can come in handy in times of emergency
Most of the financial advisors advise to stay in the investment for a long time, even if there are sharp ups and downs in the market. However, in many cases it makes sense to exit a fund.
Arbitrage fund is another low-risk option available in the market for short term. An additional advantage of this fund is that it is more tax efficient than debt funds like overnight or liquid funds.
What is TER? How it is implemented? Why it matters? Catch all that in our latest episode of 2+2=5
One of the reasons why equities continue to stay buoyant is sustained foreign fund inflows, anticipation of a favorable earnings quarter coupled with improving economic conditions
Sebi has floated a paper on total expense ratio. It includes several proposals that would benefit retail investors. It is believed that if these proposals are implemented, investment in mutual funds would become cheaper and there would be restrictions on their mis-selling.
Mutual fund distributors have consistently proven essential to investors by guiding and educating them to make the right investment decisions