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Rainfall numbers and the probability of a 'normal' monsoon is one of the most tracked parameters for the economy and investment analysis.
8-9 schems are enough for investment: Experts
Small-cap mutual funds are lapping up funds, receiving massive inflows over the last 6 months. But there are not investment opportunities to deploy them effectively.
The trust in mutual funds has increased to such an extent that some people blindly invest in them without hesitation, and several schemes are included in many people's portfolios. Financial experts believe that it is not a good practice.
Hedge Funds across the globe among their many strategies deploy Momentum Investment strategy and actively pursue it to successfully generate Alpha
With the mutual fund industry size booming day by day, there is a urgent need to review the roles played by various categories of people that are a part of mutual fund industry.
The trick is to focus on what is in the hands of the fund house and do it so well that eventually that preparation helps deliver consistent performance
If a mutual fund scheme meets the prescribed criteria, then it can prove to be useful for investment
Liquid funds come under debt mutual funds. They invest in debt instruments and money market securities maturing in 7 to 91 days. There is no lock-in period for liquid funds.
There are three diferent types of passive mutual funds. These are ETFs, Index Mutual Funds and Fund of Funds