The Rs 760-crore Anupam Rasayan IPO received bids for 3,53,30,067 shares against 97,01,809 shares on offer, as per NSE data
The social network is also adding a tool to help get users vaccinated by connecting them to information about where and when they can get their shot
From NFTs to insurance, we have a wide array of offerings, in addition to our regular piece from the 'Wealth Creators' series
The GST Council may consider the issue of inclusion of petroleum products at a time it considers appropriate keeping in view all the relevant factors, said Nirmala Sitharaman
The EPFO, which has more than five crore active subscribers, manages social security funds of workers in the organised/semi-organised sector in India
Currently, the permissible FDI limit in life and general insurance stands at 49% with ownership and management control with Indians
Paytm Payments Bank has also entered into a partnership with Paytm Money to enable payment mandates for IPO applications
Most analysts have given Kalyan Jewellers IPO 'Subscribe' for a long term rating on the back of brand recall and a strong pan India presence.
No new Rs 2,000 currency notes have been printed since April 2019