The Delhi HC set aside a single judge bench order that had upheld an arbitral award asking SpiceJet and its promoter Ajay Singh to refund Rs 579 crore plus interest to Maran
The sole objective of this step is to ensure that gold comes back within the reach of a large section of the customers with prices touching Rs 75,000/10 gm
One of the biggest irritants in the experience of any traveler in any airport anywhere in the world is the baggage delivery time.
AI stands for artificial intelligence. It can also stand for advantage India
The government's policies have helped public sector companies and as a result, their stocks have given huge returns and that theme has caught on
Focused funds have a unique set of advantages to offer for those who are looking for targeted exposure in their mutual fund portfolios. By adopting a myopic approach, these funds prioritize certain sectors.
In October 2023, Google had said that it was scouting for manufacturers and partners to create the supply chain ecosystem for localising Pixel8 and its versions
A surge in demand for essentials such as groceries and items for daily home use is being reported as more and more consumers are preferring to stay indoors to seek shelter from the searing heat and get things delivered to their doorstep
The economy has shown resilience inspite of facing global headwinds impacting the supply chain