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PPF is a government-backed, zero-default risk, long-term small savings scheme akin to quasi floating rate deposits with the objective to provide retirement security to self-employed individuals
For getting the access to your account online, you must sign up for the net banking and mobile banking services
As per the new amendments in the post office account scheme, the penalty of Rs 50 has to be paid by the account holder if the minimum balance remains less than Rs 500 before the end of a financial year
Though it might appear unreal, one can start his own account without the help of anyone on his own phone just by typing in a few basic information details
In mid-tenure instruments returns in post office instruments are, in some cases, more than 100 basis points higher than bank deposits of same tenure
The scheme is available for two periods — 15 years and 20 years
Many a times we postpone investing plans because we are not able to save much. But this should not come in the way of your investing. Post Office Saving Schemes gives you an opportunity to start your investment with just Rs 1,000. The three post office saving schemes which can kickstart your investment with Rs […]
There is no way of reviving a closed account and one has to open a new one
Your IPPB account can literally be active within minutes if you are an Indian citizen above 18 years of age and have a mobile phone with functional internet
An interest rate of 2.5% per annum is paid quarterly to IPPB account holders.