Indian markets started Tuesday’s session on a positive note led by gains in banking and financial stocks on the back of strong Q1 results. Sensex jumped almost 150 points, while Nifty traded above 15850-level in early trade today. Mehul Kothari of Anand Rathi spoke to Money9 and said that weak global market cues have been an overhang.
“Till the time the Nifty stays above 15,600 on the closing basis, the markets remain in a buy-on-dips zone”, he said.
He believes markets are going to be focussed on earnings for now as a trigger and track stock specific action.
On Tata Motors post Q1, he said, “We are tracking the company closely. The long term story is strong on the back of the EV growth prospects. One must buy the stock if they have a 6 months to a year long view. One can overlook the short term negatives.
MCX | Buy | Target: 1900 | Stop Loss: 1600
Westlife | Buy | Target: 600 | Stop Loss: 510
ITC | Buy | Target: 230 | Stop Loss: 200
Indian markets started Tuesday’s session on a positive note led by gains in banking and financial stocks on the back of strong Q1 results. Sensex jumped almost 150 points, while Nifty traded above 15850-level in early trade today. Mehul Kothari of Anand Rathi spoke to Money9 and said that weak global market cues have been an overhang.
“Till the time the Nifty stays above 15,600 on the closing basis, the markets remain in a buy-on-dips zone”, he said.
He believes markets are going to be focussed on earnings for now as a trigger and track stock specific action.
On Tata Motors post Q1, he said, “We are tracking the company closely. The long term story is strong on the back of the EV growth prospects. One must buy the stock if they have a 6 months to a year long view. One can overlook the short term negatives.
MCX | Buy | Target: 1900 | Stop Loss: 1600
Westlife | Buy | Target: 600 | Stop Loss: 510
ITC | Buy | Target: 230 | Stop Loss: 200
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