Investors are often in a dilemma over choosing various investment tools so that they can get as much return as possible. However, the most important step of investing is to define one’s goals and objectives. Goal-based investing can be a game-changing strategy for an investor. Before making a goal-based investment, it is important to set a goal. We have seen a lot of investors in our career who are often confused about their goals. It is important for them to identify goals and differentiate between their needs and wants.
Experts like Rachit Chawla, Founder of Finway FSC, CFP Poonam Rungta and Surya Bhatia shared their insights on various aspects and importance of financial planning. Regarding goal-based investing, Poonam Rungta says that there is often confusion among people about goals, while it is very important to understand the difference between both need and want.
On the other hand, Rachit Chawla said the investors should have healthy financial habits and maintain a decent credit score. “Today many companies provide such CIBIL. It is a three-digit credit score that tells you how reliable you are to repay your money, which you have borrowed from banks, on time. Where everything is going digital, in such a situation, those with good CIBIL get better offers but if the credit score is bad, then the bank may not give you money even at 15 percent,” said Chawla.
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