If you’re looking to begin something different, something new this Ganesh Chaturthi, starting your investment journey might be a good option. Money9 Helpline hosted Certified Financial Planner, Kalpesh Ashar to resolve queries on how to begin building a dependable corpus for yourself.
Ashar: In multicap category, you must know that the percentage is decided according to the SEBI’s categorisation. You have to allocate 25% in largecap 25% in midcap and 25% in smallcap in your portfolio. the rest of the 25% will be according to your fund manager’s discretion, either in large, mid, or small. If any category’s weightage is increased probability of risk decreases r increases accordingly.
Ashar: If you are investing in NASDAQ, I believe you are investing in the US’s technology-based stocks, whereas S&P 500 is a broader universe of YS capital markets.
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