The stock market is making rapid records. But what do you do in this stormy rush? Is it better to wait for the market to correct or keep investing? Money9 Helpline hosted Harshad Chetanwala, Co-Founder of MyWealthGrowth, to help you understand whether it is the right time to start investing in mutual funds.
Chetanwala: It is very important to look at and understand the shares in your portfolio. Considering your portfolio has all A category shares and they are all doing well. If the portfolio is doing good then there is no reason to switch from direct equities to mutual funds until and unless you take a call that you are not able to manage the portfolio for some reason. The index fund is very cost-effective if you are looking f0r mutual funds, Nifty 50 is also a good option. However, I would say that if stocks are doing well there is no need to switch.
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