It’s the age of ultra-short attention spans where people cannot concentrate on any one particular thing for even a minute. Yoga improves the concentration powers of the mind multi-fold. One particular asana that is meant for the purpose of increasing your concentration is the Garudasana or the Eagle Pose.
This standing pose stretches and strengthens your knees, calves, upper back and shoulders as well. But most importantly, it increases your concentration levels. When it comes to money management, you need to concentrate on your spending habits and cut them down.
To make the kind of investments that you want, you need to have more money in your hands in the first place. And for that you need to focus on your main expenditures, be it the monthly bills or the big purchase you’re looking to make. The next time you’re busy ordering something online, think, whether its something you need or something that you want.
We live in the world of ‘breaking news’ and instant gratifications. But investment and wealth generation is a long term goal that requires patience, concentration, focus and faith in yourself. You can start your investment journey from whatever you have but the finishing line is well within in your reach. You set the goals and it’s up to you to follow the rules to achieve those goals.
Sound knowledge of money and markets can be external factors that aid your journey towards financial freedom. But yoga and meditation can help you build a calmer inner self that will help you take key decisions in times of stress and uncertainty. Yoga also helps you become disciplined in life. This will benefit your money spending habits as well.
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