Care Health, Max Bupa, Star Health and Digit Insurance have insurance products where consumables are covered
Insure yourself under a comprehensive health insurance plan with an optimal sum insured level
The report aimed at studying the impact of vaccination on reducing the ALOS, ICU requirement, mortality & cost of treatment among Covid-19 patients
Naval Goel, founder, PolicyX, recommends a policy with a restoration benefit vis-a-vis the super top-up plan
A lot more needs to be done to expand insurance coverage in the country for keeping financial worries away
They can help you get second opinion on the dilemma or a challenge you are dealing with. But, reach out to a registered analyst for nuanced advice
A family floater policy covers all the members of the family under one health insurance policy instead of each person buying a policy individually
You may have base cover & super top-up from same insurer or two different insurers. Having both from the same insurer makes claims settlement easier
Irrespective of price revision, it makes sense to protect yourself before the Covid-19 risk knocks on your door
An individual should also consider buying disease-specific plans such as diabetes and cancer plans keeping in mind the medical history of the family