The paradox, if any, is not the brute force of these investments that have taken valuations higher, but the strengthening of the underlying companies
Most of the reserves are usually held in US dollars given the currency’s importance in the international financial and trading system
The report said under the business-as-usual scenario, the vaccine coverage in India is expected to remain under 35% of the population by the end of 20
This is the highest quarterly growth rate since China first began publishing GDP data in 1993
“We are in the technological revolution in payment space. And I think India has been path-breaking in many of these technologies and payment systems
IMF Deputy Chief Economist Petya Koeva Brooks said IMF welcomes the measures that were announced by the government during the Budget
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), stated in a latest press briefing that the Covid-19 pandemic has hurt India and other emerging markets very har
IMF's optimism is music to the ears of policymakers, especially when a second wave of the pandemic is threatening to sweep the country
The International Monetary Fund said the Indian economy is expected to grow by 6.9% in 2022
“India's economy is on the path of gradual recovery, real GDP growth, return to positive territory in fourth quarter of 2020," IMF’s spokesperson