The term 'risk' refers to the chance that an insurer is taking by committing financial aid to the insured person in case of an eventually
While partial withdrawals can come in handy when trying to meet short-term financial goals/needs, this facility needs to be used judiciously
If your parents do not already have insurance cover, you can reason with them to invest in the same
In a joint term insurance plan, not many insurers provide add-on covers along with a primary joint life insurance plan
Parents spend their whole life building ours, ensuring that we have the best of everything, and are healthy
Both, individual life insurance and group insurance plans, come with their own set of features and advantages and disadvantages
The increased mortality rate during the second wave is also reflected in the results of insurance companies during the first quarter of this fiscal
While the breadwinner indeed deserves priority, however, every family member equally qualifies to get a life insurance policy for themselves too
The whole life insurance policy covers you for 100 years against regular policies which have a defined term of say 10, 20 or 30 years
While you can take loans against endowment policies, Unit Linked Insurance Plans or ULIPs allow you to make partial withdrawals when in need of cash.�