Naval Goel, founder, PolicyX, recommends a policy with a restoration benefit vis-a-vis the super top-up plan
A family floater policy covers all the members of the family under one health insurance policy instead of each person buying a policy individually
You may have base cover & super top-up from same insurer or two different insurers. Having both from the same insurer makes claims settlement easier
An individual should also consider buying disease-specific plans such as diabetes and cancer plans keeping in mind the medical history of the family
Section 80D of the IT Act reduces a person’s tax liability by decreasing their taxable income
Having a critical illness cover helps not only in covering treatment costs, but also in meeting the needs of the family
If you have bought multiple health policies and are now worried about how to go about claiming benefits from different policies, there is no need to p
Majority of us have realised the importance of a comprehensive health insurance policy to keep our health and finances protected. Covid-19 has increas
In October 2011, IRDAI allowed porting of health insurance policies. The porting rule allows a customer to shift his/her health insurance from one ins
It is incorrect to expect returns from a health insurance policy. The objective is to protect your finances against unexpected medical expenses