If you derive financial benefits from the continuous existence, without repairment or damage, of an insured object, it is known as insurable interest
Can you nominate a live-in partner while investing in banking products, insurance, or mutual funds? The answer is blurred and indistinct
Covid has served many life lessons. One of them is the need to write a will. It can sanitize your near and dear ones against any family discord
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY) is a life insurance scheme backed by the union government. In case of death of the insured person, t
Nomination enables the asset holder to nominate (propose or formally enter as a candidate) an individual to claim the proceeds upon his/her death
Money9 Helpline attempts to make writing this legal document an essential part of your financial management and help you understand all the nitty-grit
The depositor is always asked to select a nominee who can claim the proceeds in the unfortunate event of the depositor's death
Untimely death in the family is devastating. However, once the mourning is over, families have to get back to normal life
Watch this series of videos to understand how the nomination process works