In case of intestate death, succession certificate allows the legal heir to settle impending debts, securities and make use of their remaining assets.
Loan against property is available for longer tenures of up to 20 years and with speedy approval as property can get you flexible repayment options
All the commercial banks and non-banking financial companies offer two-wheeler loans with lots of offers
Just because you have a health insurance policy does not mean you understand it. Here are 9 health insurance myths debunked for you
India has witnessed at least 30% increase in this sector in the past 18 months
If you opt for location-specific travel insurance, remember such policies are absolute and offer its services for such pre-determined locations only
Inculcating the habit of savings from an early age will make your child financially disciplined and prudent
Insurers are happy to offer discount for a multi-year plan. You can also prevent any revision in the premium amount during the course of the policy
Gold loan offers greater flexibility in terms of loan repayment. Apart from EMI repayment mode, borrowers can opt for customised payment option
If found driving under the influence of alcohol, your accidental damage claim will not be entertained