The RBI has also advised the financial institutions to cease using the Mumbai Interbank Forward Outright Rate (MIFOR) latest by December 31
With SEBI coming out with Risk-o-meter labeling of funds, its important for investors to match their risk appetite with the fund labels
Investors can look at parking the majority of their corpus in short-term bond funds, which will insulate them from the low-interest rate concerns
According to a Reserve Bank of India survey in June, consumer outlook about the present and future was very low
Personal loans which saw a significant fall in the first quarter of 2020-21 have ended the fiscal with a massive jump of 35.5% in the fourth quarter
The government must look for help from the best minds in the country to rise up to the challenges the nation is facing in various fields
The number of death claims filed in 2020-21 was 22,205 which is only 13.50% of the number of lives lost due to Covid in the entire financial year
RBI’s concerns go beyond the realms of customer focus and efficiency gains. It has flagged issues of cybersecurity, data privacy, etc.
The next purchase under G-SAP 2.0 will be conducted on July 22 for Rs 20,000 crore
The savers are the most affected in the post-Covid world. They are earning negative real rates on their bank deposits