No big commercial bank offers more than 3% in the normal savings account.
RD is a basic investment instrument which one can start even with his/her pocket money to pick up the basics of disciplined saving.
If you park your money in post office FD for five years, it will give you 6.7% return.
Post office saving schemes: The central government fixes interest rates of small savings schemes every quarter.
The interest rates of these schemes are set by the government at the start of every quarter of the financial year.
There are many options for saving or investing in the post office. However, you have to maintain a minimum balance in the account
India Post serves more than 50 crore POSB customers across the country. This number is 1.5 times the entire population of USA
In mid-tenure instruments returns in post office instruments are, in some cases, more than 100 basis points higher than bank deposits of same tenure
There is no way of reviving a closed account and one has to open a new one
It is the oldest public utility service in the country, much older even than the railways, and certainly deserves better handling